Российское Библейское Общество Перевод, издание и распространение Библии с 1813 года
Единственный предмет Общества есть способствование к приведению в России в большее употребление Библии. Из Устава РБО 1813г.
Единственный предмет Общества есть способствование к приведению в России в большее употребление Библии. Из Устава РБО 1813г.
[ Закрыто ] Переводы на русский язык, Переводы
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At home, the hostess changed her clothes. In home clothes, without heels and without war paint, which she quickly washed off, she turned out to be not such a thunder woman. Ordinary woman. A little bulky, but not overly fat. Made me drink coffee. And even with cognac. We sit, both of us quieted down. No one dares to be the first to say that it's time to get down to business. There was one thing on the street, but here some kind of constraint attacked. How many do not sit, and if something went wrong, it's time to know the honor. I went to the door, put on my shoes and went out. She accompanies me. While I was putting on my shoes, my robe was fiddling with my hands, finding no place for them. And when I already grabbed the door handle, about to open the doors and step over the threshold, saying goodbye to the home comfort and hospitality of the hostess, something prompted me. How something broke inside, I don’t remember who was the first to make a movement towards, but after a moment we already merged in a kiss. And they came to their senses on the bed, completely undressed.
- Are You Normal? What are you doing? I jumped up, noticing for a moment that Anton was lying very close to me.
Then Katya got up, threw off her dress and sat on her knees to Seryozha, rewarding him with a passionate kiss on the lips. Katya writhed all over while sitting on his feet and biting his lips. Seryozha just sat in ecstasy and could not imagine that all this was happening in reality. Katya took off her bra and put Serezha's hands on her chest, then she went down below, kneeling in front of him, pulled off his pants, took out his cock from his underpants, and began to gently jerk off next to his lips so that he would feel her breath with a member.
check this out.. Everything is fine, Maria Vladimirovna.
Still hesitating, she began to lift her dress with the words like this is not right, and after a minute she was standing in a black bra and brown panties that I had already seen. I took out another couple of thousand with the words each bill for a new part of the body, but then she gathered herself and began to dress back with tears rolling down! But with the words I'm joking, I approached her and hugged her further, she got dressed, and I realized that for the sake of money she was ready for a lot!
I wish I could.
"Sunny, I see you enjoyed it, but now it's my turn."
I picked up the bottles and my glass again and went to the door.
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After assembling hundreds of non-standard kitchens, we true bang on how to suggestion and hang both centred and complex cookhouse consecration projects.

Our scullery crowning team up inveterately consists of two people: a maestro and an assistant.
And husband?
His heart was beating faster, he turned her face to him with his palm and greedily dug into her lips. So greedy that it seemed that this kiss would last longer than any sex in adult films. Her body was covered with goosebumps that were pleasant to the point of pain, her heart was pounding furiously, and her lower abdomen ached pleasantly. Fear vanished, she madly wanted him.
click here.. I answered the strict teacher.
Burning with desire, Eve threw herself on the bed.
Perhaps Oksana said while taking a couple of sips.
We went to the shower and lay, chatting, just on abstract topics, and I suddenly remembered:
We drove quietly for about 5 minutes. Jess didn't even look in my direction. We drove into some kind of parking lot near the store and the girl turned off the engine. We sat in silence for a couple more minutes.

Сенатор Рэнд Пол заблокировал законопроект о выделении Украине 40 млрд. долларов.

Лидеры демократов и республиканцев в Сенате попытались ускорить получение пакета помощи США почти на 40 миллиардов долларов, чтобы помочь Украине в ее борьбе с Россией, но были заблокированы сенатором-республиканцем Рэндом Полом из Кентукки. Лидер большинства в Сенате Чак Шумер (демократ, штат Нью-Йорк) и лидер меньшинства Митч МакКоннелл (справа, штат Кентукки) вместе пришли в зал палаты, чтобы потребовать от всех 100 сенаторов единодушного согласия на немедленное голосование по законопроекту.

Мистер Пол возражал. Согласно правилам Сената, без его согласия на то, чтобы законопроект был вынесен на окончательное голосование, может уйти несколько дней. Ожидается, что он пройдет подавляющим большинством. Палата представителей приняла закон 368 против 57 поздно вечером во вторник при поддержке всех демократов и большинства республиканцев. Все законодатели, проголосовавшие против, были республиканцами.

Г-н Пол настаивал на том, чтобы в законопроект были добавлены формулировки, которые дали бы специальному генеральному инспектору по восстановлению Афганистана надзор за деньгами и оружием, которые США отправляют в Украину.

"Вы не должны выбрасывать все 40 миллиардов долларов без какого-либо надзора. И имея специального генерального инспектора, мы сделали это в Афганистане — это не остановило "

«Я присягаю Конституции США, а не какой-либо иностранной нации… Мы не можем спасти Украину, обрекая экономику США», — сказал г-н Пол. Он также выразил обеспокоенность по поводу дополнительных заимствований, необходимых для финансирования пакета.

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Well fuck me! - ordered his wife, losing patience, and pushing her ass back, wanting to sit on a member.
I was already on my way when Alena called me:
Sasha, am I not old for you?
read article.. Me Sasha.
A few minutes later, the door handle clicked behind me and it opened slightly, Vera's head appeared from behind it.
- What will they splash my girl with? ..
I dived and swam to him, and began to touch his penis, he stuck out straight, he felt it, took me, and pulled me out of the water, seeing my bare chest, he froze and looked at my nipples.
When I woke up again, it was already light. The member, on sensations stood without interruption all these several hours. It was impossible to endure any further. I again climbed into her shorts and began to aggressively wield a finger in her vagina, entering them to the full length. I rolled Olya from side to back and called her by name. She woke up".
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How old are you? I asked a question.
I really wanna be with you.
see more.. She, with the head of his penis in her mouth, felt the sperm hit her palate and throat and fill her with all the free space in her mouth. After his convulsions, she slowly removed the head from her mouth and quickly closed her mouth so as not to utter a single drop. She smiled proud that she could do so, opened her mouth and showed Slava his sperm. The lower teeth and tongue were not visible behind the sperm, and it barely overflowed the edge of the lips. Ira put it in her mouth with her tongue and closed her mouth. He watched it all in disbelief. He really loved this girl now. Smiling gently, she swallowed the sperm in two attempts and opened her mouth and showed that her mouth giggled emptyly. Having kissed his lips quickly, she turned 180 degrees so that her ass with all its charms was in front of Slava's nose.
I am a scorpion, on this straight line as the corner of the house.
What does "like" mean? Aunt Ira giggled. - Didn't you pay attention?
"That's something remotely similar and guys feel when fucking girls. And you also fuck your sister. Watch how she squirms on you."
Aunt Ira moved to the middle of the room and knelt down on her elbows, sticking her ass out.

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